As one of the world’s most densely populated countries, Japan has long been a leader in small space home design. Maybe it’s just us (who have never been there outside of flight layovers), but when we see some of the crazy Japanese designs like Kyosho Jutaku, we wonder if those are just rogues–daring and bold designs in an otherwise staid architectural landscape. When a reader turned us onto a Japanese rental website–filled with apartments anyone could rent–we realized that innovative Japanese home design is pretty damn normal.
The website Tokyo Apartment Inc is filled with remarkable and daring designs that would be a big deal anywhere other than Japan. The apartments are small, but high end. They are well-lit, feature high quality materials, are decked out with appropriate appliances and have more interesting architecture than you’re likely to find on any Craigslist rental. We perused the TOI site with not-so-micro envy. Hopefully, one day the US and other hefty-haunched-homed nations will pick up some of the Japanese design cues.
All images via Tokyo Apartment Inc